Upcoming Events at OHOP…

There are several upcoming events at OHOP.  Several of them were posted in my last blog, and there are several more coming.  First of all I will talk about an event that is not happening at OHOP, but that OHOP is involved in.  That event is being produced by Promise Keepers.  Apparently whenever Promise Keepers holds an event, they chose to have local churches pray and intercede on the behalf of the speakers, the attendees, and the event over all.

When Promise Keepers found out about OHOP they asked us to pray and intercede on their behalf.  On Wednesday, one of the leaders at OHOP asked me to be a part of this intercession team.  Basically what we will be doing is gathering at 9 AM on the day of the event and we will be praying for specific speakers and issues.  We  will also be watching the event via live stream so that we know what is going on during the event.  This way, if there is something going on at the event while a speaker is talking, we can be praying and interceding on that issue in real-time.  We will be able to just mute the event and go into intercession right then and there.

Let’s talk about a practical example.  Let’s say the speaker is talking about healing and then he starts praying for healing within the conference.  At OHOP we will know exactly what is going on and we can begin to pray for healing for people at the conference, there may even be specific people who are brought up to the front or something that we can be specifically praying for.  When the Conference speaker starts having an altar call, we can be praying for the people in the conference that need to come forward, or pray for specific people who have already come forward.  It’s just a very awesome opportunity to be a part of the conference from behind the scenes (plus we get a free meal and t-shirt…).

The Children’s Equipping Conference is going on September 3rd through the 5th.  This conference is for kids age 6-12 and is an opportunity for them to learn how to flow in the supernatural gifts.  Autumn and I had been thinking about whether or not we wanted to sign Becka up for this (since it was $35 for OHOP’ers to register).  Then someone from the church approached us and told us that she had felt burdened to sponsor Becka to go (that means she want’s to pay for Becka to go!).  So, we asked Becka if this was something she was interested in or not and she was very excited to go, so we registered her.  This will be her first kind of teaching/conference/classroom setting of this kind.  I am really excited to see what God does!!!

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