Promise Keepers…

This past Saturday was a FREE Promise Keepers in Orlando, FL.  Several weeks back Promise Keepers asked OHOP if they would be willing to set up some Prayer Booths as well as be in charge of the Prayer Room.  These were two very distinctive rolls; the Prayer Room was downstairs, behind the scenes, and was predominantly a place of intercession over what was going on at the conference.  The Prayer Booths  were located right behind the auditorium, and almost everyone at the conference saw these Prayer Booths.  I briefly talked about this event in my last post here: Upcoming Events at OHOP

Prayer Room

The only people that knew about us or saw us were other people that were working behind the scenes and a few of the speakers that we prayed for.  I can’t possibly go into everything that happened in the prayer room, but I can tell you it was one of the most transforming times in my life.  We were suppose to arrive at 9:30 AM 7:30 AM to check in, pick up our shirts and wrist bands for lunch.  First thing in the morning we walked into our room and you could just tell that God’s presence was on the room.  We spent some time praying for the conference before it began and began to ask the Lord if He had any words for us to pray about.  Immediately God began to give us direction in how to pray.

The second or third speaker of the day was the founder of Promise Keepers, Coach Bill McCartney A.K.A. Coach Mac.  Before he began speaking he came into the prayer room, got on his knees, and asked us to pray for him.  He said that he needed us to intercede for him and keep the enemy busy while he was speaking because God had given him a message that he needed to deliver.  The humility on this man was incredible, immediately as I began to lay my hands on him to begin praying for him I felt like he should be praying for me instead.  Then just like that he was called out onto stage to speak and the message that he gave was very much a Forerunner message.  The next speaker was Anne Graham Lotz (Billy Graham’s daughter) and she really brought the message as well.  It was very cool to be in the background, I was able to see her in person, see two of the worship leaders, Coach Mac, and a couple of other speakers as well.

One of the speakers there was a native American, he was dressed in his full outfit with feathers and stuff.  One of the things God did was use him to provoke our team to stand in the gap, and repent for the actions of the original settlers in America to the Native Americans.  As a result we had a lady on our team that had Native American ancestry and a guy on our team that didn’t, they both prayed and asked forgiveness from each other for all the blood that was spilled between us.  This prophetic act broke things in the spirit, and I believe started a domino effect of what God is doing all across the nation and will do as we approach the end times.  In addition, the prayers and forgiveness brought the lady to tears with much sobbing.  I believe God is reconciling His Body to each other, Jew to Gentile, Black to Whites, Native American’s to Settlers, one denomination to another, etc.

Check out our Shirts, do you like how we were Vol-u-teers instead of Volunteers

The Prayer Booths

These were places that people could go to for individual prayer.  Many times this would lead to God giving a word of encouragement or sometimes it involved prophetic words for the individuals being prayed for.  In the Prayer Booths they prayed in teams of 2 or 3 people over whoever needed prayer.  They were located right behind the auditorium, and almost everyone at the conference saw these Prayer Booths and many asked for (and received) prayer.  This team was made up from primarily from the prophecy team at OHOP.

The Conference

One of the highlights of the day came from one of the conference speakers.  The pastor from the church the conference was held at was speaking.  He talked about how they had given a lot of money to missions in the past but that God confronted them because they weren’t reaching the people in their neighborhood.  There were two ladies who attended the conference that were fairly new believers (less than a year) but had come from very oppressed background, and were local ladies.  The pastor from the churched asked forgiveness from them for not reaching them, and then asked forgiveness as a man for the oppression she had suffered at the behalf of men.  I think this was also a very humbling time.

Next Coach Mac asked a leader of a group of Messianic Jews to forgive him as a Gentile for not standing up for the Jews.  He then proceed to vow to stand up for them (And Israel as a nation) from here on.  I think God is really working on reconciliation in His Body.

Personal Experiences

God did so much in me while I was at the conference, truly it was like a coming out party for me.  God began to speak very clearly to me on numerous occasions, in addition He brought out the leadership qualities that He has given me, without me having to worry about leading (sounds strange, but when God is directing you, you don’t have to direct…).  Many people there were excited to be with me that day, and told me how cool it was to see me blossoming into my calling.  I was just ecstatic to be there and be able to be a part of everything.  There were many, many things God did in the midst, but I don’t feel as though it would be a good thing for me just to list everything that happened.  If your wondering you can ask me though.  I will share this though, it’s amazing how God continues to confirm to me that I am exactly where I am suppose to be.  It has been a constant struggle in my mind to figure out the finances, but God consistently tells me that I am where He has me and He will provide.

I don’t really know what else to say, except that the last two weekends, first with Kirk Bennett and then with Promise keepers, have been two of the most influential weekends ever.  Top 10 for sure (4 kids, 1 wife, probably all up there 🙂 )

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