Hi, my name is Matthew Parrott and I am a Husband and Dad in the Parrott Family.  Welcome to ParrottPeople, this is a place where my wife and I will try to write on a regular basis as we follow God’s will for our lives.  This Blog started as a place for us to talk about our journey, in early 2008 my family and I made plans to move from South Bend, IN a place where my wife and I had lived for almost 10 years and had started our family, to Branson, MO in January of 2009 to take part in a one year internship.

Our Story

I am a 31 year old father of 4.  My wife and I were married just a few short days before the terrible September 11, attacks. I graduated with a Bible and Ministry degree from Bethel College in Indiana. We spent the first several years of our marriage working as servers at Das Dutchman Essenhaus, one of the largest restaurants (and tourist attractions) in Indiana while paying off over $30k in student loan debt and $15k in car debt.   Today we own two paid for vehicles and we are debt free except our house. After spending several years in sales (three years at Sprint and 1 year at Centennial Wireless), my family and I felt God leading us to move to Branson, MO for a year, were I took Bible classes, went through a leadership training program, and worked for a Doulos Ministries, a Christian based, non-profit, residential care facility.  After that year ended we moved back to the South Bend, IN area.  We remained un-employed for nearly 5 months and had our fourth baby Aaron Matthew (to the left), I then worked for the U.S. Census Bureau before making a move towards what we believe God has next for our lives.

Whats Next?  The OHOP Forerunner School of Ministry

What we feel called to do next is a giant leap of faith.  We are moving to Orlando, FL to become a part of the Orlando House of Prayer (OHOP) and I will be taking part in the Forerunner School of Ministry Internship.  This is a 4 month intensive internship that will prepare me to go in to ministry (or you could say learn how to become active in ministry) and possibly go on staff at OHOP (You can read more about it here).  We are moving down to Orlando with the anticipation that this is where God is calling us for now, this is more than just a 4 month internship, this is were I believe God is calling us as a couple into our Identity in in Christ.

How Can I Contact you and keep up to date?

There are many ways to keep up to date with us. You can subscribe to this blog via our RSS Feed, email us (Our email addresses are on our Contact Us page), you can follow me on TwitterLinkedIn, or Facebook for Matthew or Autumn. You can also simply leave comments on the articles published, and interact with others who post comments.  We look forward to this journey, we hope you find this blog informative and an exciting way to keep up to date with our lives.

Thank you for reading parrottpeople.wordpress.com.

-Matthew Parrott